Droopppsss.I will patronise that stall again. Never did I know that Yummy King came before and advertised the stall in TV until I saw the banner.
Yummy! The dishes taste delicious and it's relatively cheap. After the show we went to eat Bakuteh at Bugis. And there's one quote that I love from that movie as it sounds familiar to me although it's translated in chinese: 'With great power comes great responsibility.' Hmm.okay I remember now, that quote comes from Spiderman. Overall the show is not bad but there's room for improvement. Haha we even embarrassed ourselves because we took the wrong seats =(. WOW! I was astonished when I first stepped in cos it's damn huge and spacious. Surprisingly, the theatre was almost full house.
Therefore we went over to ST since very few people would go there and watch movies. Actually we went to suntec cinema first, but the queue was damn long. Yeah! Today we went to watch Kung Fu Hustle at Shaw Tower. Finally I get to see Valla, haven't seen him for a few months. I'm weary, just came back from Christmas celebration.